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Enabling year-long sustainable mobility

Cleaning city streets using optimised routes, providing turn-by-turn navigation instruction for snow plowing crews.

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Active mobility.
All year long.

By combining all data about vehicles, routes, citizen feedback, snowfall, important destinations and main priority routes, we make snow cleaning faster.

  • Analysis of the telemetry from Helsinki, graph on a map.

    Snow cleared faster, also in front of your house. By combining different routes, we are able to clean more routes with the same equipment and staff.

  • Picture of a person biking through a badly maintained bike road in the snow.

    Profit from vehicle synergy: we connect snow cleaning crews by allowing real-time information sharing on our proprietary worker's app.

  • WinterPac small logo (only the W)

    We work together with researchers at the University of Linköping, Sweden to implement state-of-the-art optimalisation methods.

About the Team

Two students of the EIT Urban Mobility Master's program and alumni of the Ultrahack Hackathon, we are dedicated to enabling the transition away from cars to more efficient modes of transport.

Profile Picture of Peiling Wu.

Peiling Wu

Co-Founder & Data Analysis

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Profile picture of Ivo de Geus

Ivo de Geus

Co-Founder & Product Development

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